Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Blue Dog Art Exhibition

On Saturday May 27th, Erika, Niel, and Caleb attended an art exhibition at the Del Mar Hilton to view the art of George Rodrigue who they are pictured with. Rodrigue is well known for his paintings of the famed Blue Dog. Erika surprised Niel with a purchase of a Blue Dog print (as shown in the picture) for an early birthday gift with Rodrigue's signature on it (the 1st of 500 prints!). It was such an exciting opportunity for them to meet the artist and view his paintings in real life, as some of them are valued as high as $100,000.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Thompson Reunion & Cecil's 80th Birthday

A Thompson reunion at Niel's grandpa Cecil's 80th birthday party in the Thompson hometown of Chico, CA. A smashing success with catered barbecued chicken, tri-tip steak, wine, beer, lots of A1 sauce, guitar-playing, cake, family re-introductions, and some apparent competition for Caleb-cuddling time!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Solid Food & Forefathers

Four direct generations of Thompson boys. Caleb successully eats solids for the first time- mashed oatmeal cereal with banana, as his daddy, grandpa and great-grandpa cheer him on. Plain rice cereal he hated, but this he likes!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Baby Caleb

Caleb is now 5 months old. Parenting him is getting more fun and exciting as he is now responding to our facial expressions, voices, signs, and actions. Caleb loves reaching for pagers and coffee mugs, clearly because his parents often have these in their hands! Caleb likes exploring his hands and feet, and his parents' faces, especially Daddy's goatee and Mommy's hair, and both of their lips. He is as active as he can be for a baby who isn't yet sitting up on his own or crawling. We love him dearly, and look forward to what he's able to do next!

Niel and Erika Thompson- Easter 2006

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

Erika's 1st official Mother's Day, celebrating with Niel's mom Kathryn. We're amazed how much life changes beautifully in only a year, and we're now all mothers- including sister-in-law Michelle, who is expecting her firstborn this December 1st. I'm joyfully proud to be Caleb's mom!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dickson Reunion

Uncle Ron and Aunt Dawn came to visit from Seattle, so the Dickson brothers (my dad Alan) and their families, including cousin Lynn (my mom) gathered at Sean and Lisa's for a reunion. Everybody certainly had a good time! The ping pong, guitar playing, drinks, the baby boys, and the delicious kabob bbq! Ethan was so cute when he tried to present the orange monkey to Caleb during his crying. Ron's song "I'm Alive" was inspiring so I memorized it for signing while he sang with his guitar. Uncle Gordon... He's a great competitor in ping pong, and I hope he was only joking about his broken toe! Sean and Lisa, thanks for a great party! (Photographer Dawn)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Carlsbad Beach

We met up with Niel's dad Bruce, Marion, and her family in Carlsbad where we had a pleasant, brisk stroll along the Pacific. Caleb, at a beach for the first time, was lulled to sleep by the sea air! (or by Bruce's voice?)