Monday, October 30, 2006

Getting Caleb to Sleep and Talk

Click on video above. Caleb has been difficult to put to sleep these past few months. We kept rocking him or holding him until he fell asleep. We realize this isn't feasible ever since he's gotten heavier and we get more tired, so we now have finally managed to leave Caleb in his crib until he falls asleep on his own. It was a difficult road, but we got there! (More details are given through ASL in this video clip). Caleb is now speaking a few words such as "mama", "dada", and most frequently, "uh oh", when he falls down, drops something, or is looking for trouble (according to Nana Lynn). He also claps his hands, and signs something resembling "bird" or "diaper", indecipherable at this time. We enjoy being Caleb's parents very much!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Malpractice Suit

I met with my attorney a few days ago for malpractice suit against Kaiser Permanente for substandard care. My lawyer, Snyder Patin, collected almost all of my information and said it was a viable case. It is now going to be reviewed by a medical expert, and when ready, my case will go through arbituation. This won't involve judge or jury, but only three arbitrators, one representing me, one for Kaiser, and one independent person. This process might take up to 15 to 18 months, but I will keep you posted of developments.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Pirates Party

Niel and I went to a friend's Pirates Party where pirate apparel is
required. Caleb stayed home with babysitters- thanks to two darling
teenage CODAs! We haven't gone out much as a couple, always spending
time as a family (who'd want to stay away from such a cute, irresible
baby like Caleb??) We realize Caleb needs to get accustomed to having
sitters other than family for his own personal growth. After a great
time with our pirate friends, we came home to find Caleb long asleep,
the house squeaky clean, and the girls content with tales of how fun
they had playing with Caleb. All went well, and we definitely should do
this more often.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Caleb's Birthday & Many Births

Caleb will celebrate his first birthday on Saturday December 9th. Family
and friends, mark your calendars! We can't believe our baby has two
months to go before he's a full year old and toddler-like. We're blessed with many babies of the family who have arrived this year two years after Sean and Lisa had Ethan ... Naomi's Aedan Josiah (8/4/06), Mary's Audrianna Violet (8/20/06), and now, Erik and Michelle's Anaiah Ruth (10/19/06)! (Why all "A's" this year, by the way? We even had almost gone with Anders as the first name, but decided on Caleb Anders.)

October Update-Belated!

It’s been so long since we last sent an entry. We are all doing well, so here’s news in a nutshell:
-Today on October 19, 2006, our niece and Caleb’s cousin, Anaiah Ruth Thompson arrived! Although she is six weeks early and at three and a half pounds, she and mom Michelle are doing well. Proud Daddy Erik is with them, as well as both of Anaiah’s grandmothers. We have been praying for their safety every day and feel relieved now.
-Niel has been commuting one hour and a half one way daily to and from Irvine, where he teaches at our alma mater, University High School. He loves teaching there, dealing with a 99% teaching and 1% discipline ratio that he doesn’t take for granted. On his way home one afternoon, he got in a car accident. A restaurant truck, whose driver is 100% at fault, turned suddenly into Niel’s exit lane, ramming the front and driver’s side of our beloved 2006 Saturn VUE that is still to this day at the shop with repairs being paid by the restaurant auto insurance. Thankfully, Niel is all right, and that he was alone when it happened while Caleb was safe at home.
-I (Erika) had an unexpected C-Section for the removal of what is suspected an incorrectly inserted IUD and was ordered to stay home a month to recover. I’ve finally returned to work about three weeks ago, and am productive and fairly happy, dealing with many new changes at the school.
-Caleb attends a family-daycare center, run in the household of a deaf couple. His crying has minimized as Caleb got used to it there. I still breastfeed him before work, at lunch, and after school, so Caleb is still fairly at the breast exclusively, in addition to fruits, vegetables, and his latest favorites: asparagus, corn, tofu hot dogs, veggie tofu cheese, and linguini! Caleb will walk any time now, as he’s already doing so while holding onto parents’ pants or skirt, or on the sofa, and briefly letting go for a few steps at a time. Be sure to baby proof your house the next time we visit!