Thursday, August 03, 2006

Caleb Growing Up!

Sigh... Caleb is no longer a baby baby. It is evident this evening. He is as of this moment standing up against Niel, and had pulled himself up on his own. Just earlier in the bath room, Caleb pulled himself up to a standing position outside the tub! What's more, I wanted to read to him from this colorful baseball book, but Caleb took the liberty of turning the pages in the correct direction, using the correct thumb and index finger position! It's kinda the first time he didn't try to chew the book, as he now knows the function of books. I must've modeled a lot during my maternity leave! We're amazed and so proud of our lil' boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow already! So CUTE. Can't wait to see him on Sunday.